Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Will Insurance Cover Rhinoplasty: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California

Nose is the most prominent feature of the face. Correcting the deformation of the nose can improve facial aesthetic appearance to a great extent.

Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure designed to reshape the nose. With the help of the rhinoplasty procedure the facial contour can be improved by reducing the size of the nose, narrowing a wide nose, straightening a crooked nose as well as improving breathing in case of nasal stuffiness.

The most important aspect of the plastic surgery procedure is the cost. The cost of the rhinoplasty surgery depends on the plastic surgeon’s skill, the geographic area and the type of the structural and cosmetic changes made to the nose.

Insurance usually does not cover cosmetic surgery. However, sometimes the cost of rhinoplasty procedure can be covered by insurance if the plastic surgery procedure is performed for medical reasons such as to improve the breathing function, major deformity or injury.

Prior to the plastic surgery procedure, the potential rhinoplasty patients should obtain cost information from the cosmetic surgeon and discuss with their insurance carrier.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, our board certified plastic surgeons provide comprehensive information to the potential rhinoplasty patients with care and understanding and also help them with the decision making process.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is well equipped with the advance technology and best medicines to keep all the complications at its minimum level.

For an expert advice and consultations from our plastic surgeons, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.

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