Friday, May 30, 2008

A Little About Dorsal Augmentation – Rhinoplasty Technique

Most people commonly go for a nose enhancement surgery in order to correct some or the other deficiency or deformity in their nasal structure. Case in point- celebrities.

But yet this occurrence can be passed off as an excuse as there are only this many deviated septums that the men and women in Hollywood can have fixed. For mere mortals nose deformities like deviated septums and an underprojected nose can be remedied with the help of a rhinoplasty and a dorsal augmentation surgery respectively.

The implant material used for this nose surgery procedure is generally silicone as it is easier to carve into the desired shape and insert into the nose. A cross between the I- and L-shaped silicone nose implants that are generally used, dorsal nose enhancement implants are particularly great for those patients who have a prominent tip.

The implant material that can be used though differs from patient-to-patient and could also include AlloDerm, a dermal filler graft that is obtained from cadavers. But there’s no need to worry, as it is approved by the FDA and is considerably safe.

At our advanced surgical institute you will be examined by a cosmetic surgeon very closely to determine the extent of correction that will have to be maintained in the dorsal augmentation surgery. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California can help you decide on the proper nose style as well to give you a better idea of what’s good for your face.

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