Monday, February 25, 2008

Things To Keep In Mind Post Rhinoplasty Surgery: At The Plastic Surgery Institute Of California

Every year; thousands of people throughout the United States elect to improve the appearance or the function of their noses through nose surgery or rhinoplasty.

Some people want a different size or shape. Others wish to repair damage caused by an injury, and some just want to breathe easier.

Rhinoplasty usually takes an hour or two, though complicated procedures may take longer. During rhinoplasty surgery the skin of the nose is separated from its supporting framework of bone and cartilage, which is then sculpted to the desired shape.

After the rhinoplasty surgery is performed, the patient must spend the day in bed with the head elevated. The nose and head of the patient will probably ache after the plastic surgery and the face will feel some amount of puffiness.

This discomfort can be alleviated with medication prescribed by the plastic surgeon. After about three days, the swelling and bruising around the eyes will begin to subside.

Cold compresses applied to the area will help reduce the swelling. Rhinoplasty patient should wear a small splint over the nose to protect it and keep it stable, for a week or so.

After ten to twelve days all dressings, splints, and sutures will be removed and the patient can return to a normal life. Strenuous activities, rubbing or bumping the nose should be avoided for several more weeks.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we have qualified plastic surgeons who will assist you with all the information on rhinoplasty surgery and also with the post operative care.

Visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for expert advice and consultations by clicking here.

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