Thank goodness a plastic surgery procedure like rhinoplasty has improved so much since the 19th and 20th centuries.
Imagine having the surgeon insert material like paraffin, celluloid, cork or platinum in your nose during a nose surgery procedure. The early patients that the cosmetic surgeons might have operated upon must have surely possessed nerves of steel!
In this day and age, nose implant materials can be either obtained from the human body like the septal cartilage or they can be synthetically manufactured out of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene. Contrary to popular belief however, silicone rubber remains a less preferred choice of nose implant material.
Since there is no ideal nasal implant substance silicone has its own drawbacks like its likelihood to project, unsuitability for thin-skinned areas, etc.
Working on the materials mentioned earlier plastic surgeons can work on inserting a suitable implant in the nose enhancement surgery however. But because this cosmetic surgery procedure is performed on the face, it does pose a challenge for the plastic surgeon.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we pay close attention to the harmonics of the facial features of the patient so that it becomes easier for the candidate to hone in on the nose style they desire. Get in touch with us for a nose enhancement surgery consultation.
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